Daily: 6:50 - 7:15 am IST
Zoom ID:
850 9724 2404
Alternatively, participate on Youtube using this link:
Life has always been a mystery. There are so many questions which we come across and we do not have answers; so many incidents and we have no reasons; so many things and we do not understand why. Strange is the creation. We often wonder how this universe is so systematically organised and working. For example, for ages, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It never stopped rising. How are elephants communicating? How are the birds flying 18000 miles from Siberia to the Coromandel coast in South India and lay their eggs and fly back - the eggs hatch and the chicks fly back all the way to Siberia and where did they get the intelligence to go back to their homes. Who gave this intelligence. There are many more for which we do not have answers. To name that Supreme Intelligence, who is formless and can take a form when needed as GOD, the Almighty, the Creator, and the Creation.
It is apparent to us that He is too big for our tiny brains. But at the same time, He is all-loving and caring and He is that Supreme that He can attend to the smallest of His creation including every one of us. Of all things, He attends to us for the smallest of our issues and challenges.
The question is how do we access Him and how do we know that He heard us. There is a way out of many ways. That is Prayer and through certain rituals.
The next question is how do we overcome our challenges and resolve them in the shortest span of time. The answer is through “Prayer and Healing”.
When, Where and How do we START?
The answer is that you can start within 24 hours. You have to spend only 20 minutes or atleast 10 minutes everyday virtually.
Participate LIVE in Sahaayata Daily Arati, Meditation, Prayer, Group Prayer and Healing Session which comes virtually and directly from Sahaayata Vinayaka Temple, Headquartered in Brahmapur, Odisha, India at 6:50 am India Time every day. You just have to click the respective link 1 minute earlier to participate on zoom or to watch on this page or on youtube. In case, you have missed the time, the recorded version will be available on this page for the entire day until the next Arati commences. You can receive the blessings on this page.
What should you do during the session?
Participate in Bhajans, Spiritual Learning, Sharing guided by the team
Arati - Invite the Lord into your Heart to give you His Sundara Darshan while giving Arati
Meditation - Watch your breathing and relax your body - the mind shall get relaxed
Prayer - Pray for ONE wish with creative visualisation of your problem getting solved or wish being fulfilled
Group Prayer - Pray for those people who are really are in need of your prayers. You may also make a request for a prayer
Healing - Receive the healing energy being transmitted by Sahaayata Founder, Kiran ji which is coming from Sahaayata Vinayaka
Relax in Shavasan for the energies to settle
ENHANCE your Quality and Effectiveness of your Prayer
To enhance the quality and effectiveness of your learning and experience, attend the Daily Prayer regularly and also attend Sahaayata Saturday Sessions by our founder, Sri Kiran ji from 7 pm to 7:30 pm (IST) on the same links.
Webinar Details to Join:
https://www.youtube.com/live/Q7vyh1HCSacDaily Arati, Prayer, Group Prayer & Healing:
6:50 - 7:10 am IST
Meeting Link:
Zoom ID:
850 9724 2404
Watch on Sahaayata Website
or For Youtube Link:
Forthcoming Programs and Announcements
Avail Seva in Daily Prayer
For singing bhajans, chant shlokas, share your experiences, conduct sessions, compere, technical hosting on zoom etc.
+91 98336 32899
+91 98235 87474