Sahaayata Rescripting Retreat

A journey into yourself

opening into the sky and ocean

Re-conditioning of Past:
- Past Life Regression
- Re-Live your Birthing Process in your mother's womb
- De-traumatising your Fundamental Childhood Decisions
- Removing the negative imprints in your mind

- To solve all your physical, psychological and emotional problems
- To make your dreams come true
- For a successful and happy future and


- Redemption of long standing suffering
- Liberation of negative patterns
- Removal of deep unconscious fears and hurts
- Bringing Success manifold
- Experiencing Joy & Freedom
- Becoming a powerful and specialised Healer


Every person, big or small, is a biological computer. What goes in as input is processed inside and comes out as output. Thus, our behaviour is an outcome of all the experiences which have happened in our past. From our past experiences, we have taken some decisions. These decisions are taken in the mother’s womb, early childhood and in the later years. Amongst all decisions, those taken in the womb and in the early childhood are most powerful and are ruling our actions. We are unconscious of these decisions and hence we are not aware of how they are controlling our thoughts, words and actions. These decisions also affect the various incidents which we come across, the kind of people we meet, the way we percieve reality etc. in our lives. Thus, our life is beautiful and happy or it is not so beautiful and unhappy.  Most of our problems in the areas of health, finances, relationships, career, marriage, progeny etc. are a manifestation of these decisions.

There is a way to re-script or re-program our past. That does not mean that we can change our past but we can reduce or remove the negative impact of our past experiences and bring about a transformation in the thinking patterns, perceptions and mental formations to a considerable extent leading to a change in our internal and external life.

Sahaayata frequently organises these ‘Rescripting Retreats’ conducted by its efficient faculty with a footprint of 30 years in this sphere who have themselves undergone very deep and esoteric spiritual practicies. Their love and care with complete dedication and commitment to help humanity wins half the battle. The remaining is your effort and a benediction by the Divine Presence.

If you are interested to re-design your life for good, register for the forthcoming Rescripting Retreat






Fees: Rs 50,000

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30th Jan - 1st February 2025
(Fri - Sun)

8 am to 8 pm

Zone by the Park, Gopalpur on Sea (Premium Resort)

Gopalpur Beach, Gopalpur, Ganjam District, Odisha (14 kms from Brahmapur) 


+91 7735651118
+91 8249655817

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Fees: Rs 25,000

Register Now

Join Group

17th - 19th January 2025
(Thu - Sat)
23rd - 25th January 2025 (Telugu)
(Thu - Sat)
20th - 22nd February 2025
(Thu - Sat)
6th - 8th March 2025
(Thu - Sat)
10th - 12th April 2025
(Thu - Sat)


8 am to 8 pm

Sahaayata International Wellness Centre, Gandhi Nagar, Brahmapur

Canal Street, 2nd Lane Extn. Gandhi Nagar (Enter through Opposite to Hotel Moti)


+91 8249655817
+91 7735651118

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Interested to attend in future

If you, your friends or relatives are interested to participate in any of the future Re-Scripting Retreats, kindly click on the button below and furnish your details to enable us to intimate to you about the future Sahaayata Re-scripting Retreats

I am Interested      Join Group


ENQUIRY & REGISTRATION:  +91 7735651118, +91 8249655817, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Call our office to fix a free Personal Appointment with one of our Senior Faculties, if you wish to discuss about your personal problems and take guidance before signing up for the retreat.

+91 7735651118, +91 8249655817, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Book an Appointment



1.  Maximum Batch size: 25

2.  The net proceeds of these retreats are utilised in free spiritual education imparted to the poor and needy in the various programs and activities which Sahaayata conducts.