- Pronunciation, chanting and Singing of every shloka will be taught
- Recording of the shloka chanting will be given after the shloka is taught in the class.
- Shlokas recording of the students will be corrected in whatsapp group.
- People of all age groups; male and female; young and old are eligible to learn. PASSION is the main requisite.
- MUST JOIN for all seekers who really want to experience Divine in their hearts and in their life, as well.
- Tremendous results assured.
- Boosts concentration power
- Improves pronunciation, communication and behavioural skills, apart from Personality Development
- Enhances knowledge and creativity
- Develops inclination towards spirituality and to the Divine
- Respect elders and our rich cultural heritage
- Stress Buster
- Peace to mind and soul
- Develop “All for good” attitude
Long Term - 6 months to 1 Year
Short Term - 1 to 6 months

Received Blessings from
- Brahamsri Samvedam Shanmukha Sharma Gurugaru
- Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswar Rao Gurugaru and
- Late Vidhwan Sri Ananta Charan Patnaik
She is trained in Carnatic Music and Veena
Successfully completed several batches in
Soundaryalahari Shivanandalahari, Ashtakams, Lalitha Sahasranamas, Vishnu Sahasranama and Bhajans
Ms. Shanmukhi Pratibha
Received Blessings from
- Brahamsri Samvedam Shanmukha Sharma Gurugaru
Specialised in the core areas of spiritual training of ancient vedic scriptures:
- The Lalitha Sahasranamam as well as the Vishnu Sahasranamam, The Bhagavad Gita and The Rudram
- Advises on Shyamala Dandakam and contextual references from The Mahabharata, sensitised to our everyday living, offering a truly analogical experience of life.
- Conferred with triple Post Graduate Degrees in Public Administration, Sociology and Philosophy
- Despite being physically challenged, she never saw it as a hardship or hurdle in her spiritual quest or her academic pursuits, nor did she experience any sense of inferiority complex and on the contrary took the leap of faith and migrated to Rajamahendravaram from Bhimavaram and dedicated herself in the SEVA of GURU SHUSRUSHA since 15 years.
- These Chanting Courses are generally in the form of 1 hour class per week for a period of 6 months to 1 year. This course requires intense passion, commitment and dedication.
- Select your choice of courses you wish to enrol for and click the link against your choice to join the whatsapp group. Once a batch of 20 is formed, you will be intimated to confirm your registration by making the payment.
- Currently, you do not have to pay the course fees.
- You only have to pay a nominal fee of Rs 100 towards confirmation of your interest (Blocking your seat). I am Interested to JOIN
Soundarya Lahiri

No. of Shlokas: 100
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 9,000
Shivananda Lahiri

It is a devotional hymn composed by Bhagawathpada Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Advaita philosopher. It literally means Waves of Auspicious Bliss. It consists of 100 stanzas of Sanskrit poetry in various chandas. It begins with an ode to Mallikarjuna and Bhramarambika, the deities at Srisailam in Andhra Pradesh, India.
This is one of the greatest poetic prayer couched in an undercurrent of practical philosophy. It is more simpler and enriched with several alankaras. Anyone reading this and understanding it would get peace, steadfast mind and knowledge of God and Philosophy.
No. of Shlokas: 100
No. of Classes: 52
No. of Weeks: 52
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 9,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 20 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Lalita Sahasraara Nama Stotram

Shri Lalitha Sahasranama Sthotram Is a very Powerful Sthotram coded with Devi Vaibhava Mantras, Vigraha Roopa Mantras, Leela Mantras, Beeja Mantras, Yoga Mantras, Thathwam Mantras, Astrology related Mantras, Mantras related to Pregnancy and Post Pregnancy, for Children Upbringing, liberation from Evil related Mantras and many more Benefits to live a comfortable and a peaceful Life when chanted daily with right Pronunciation and knowing the meaning as well. This Sthotram is given by the VashinyadhiVakDevatas who Manifested from the Devi Shri Lalitha Tripura Sundari Herself. That is why it is so Powerful. It has to be chanted after learning the meaning and pronunciation correctly as they are all very Sacred Powerful Mantras and to receive all benefits.
Join Shri Lalitha Sahasranama Shlokas Course to Learn to Chant the 1000 names and Shri Lalitha Ashtothara Shathanamavali 108 names with MEANING
No. of Shlokas: 100
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 9,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 20 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Ashtakam - Level 1

Ashtakams are taught in simple musical style which are very easy and enjoyable to sing.
Chanting Ashtakams frees us from the consequences of our sins and bad karma. It reduces the negative impacts of Rahu, Ketu, and Shani doshas. By chanting it, one can get relieved from long-term issues and miseries in our life
No. of Shlokas: 100
No. of Classes: 100
No. of Weeks: 52
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 9,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 20 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Ashtakam - Level 2
Ashtakams are taught in simple musical style which are very easy and enjoyable to sing.
Chanting Ashtakams frees us from the consequences of our sins and bad karma. It reduces the negative impacts of Rahu, Ketu, and Shani doshas. By chanting it, one can get relieved from long-term issues and miseries in our life
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 9,000
These Chanting Courses are generally in the form of 1 hour class per week for a period of 1 to 6 months. Everyone can learn very easily if little passion, commitment and dedication is present.
Select your choice of courses you wish to enrol for and click the link against your choice to join the whatsapp group. Once a batch of 20 is formed, you will be intimated to confirm your registration by making the payment.
Currently, you do not have to pay the course fees.
You only have to pay a nominal fee of Rs 100 towards confirmation of your interest. I am Interested to JOIN
Rudram Abisheka Mantras and Rudrastakam
These Shlokas are incorporated from SRI RUDRAM in short form with Parameswara Anugraham by Suradhaya Maharshi From Suthasamhitha. It is said that Shri Adhishankaracharya had read SUTHASAMHITHA 18 times to write the Commentary on Brahma Sutras.
This work from the Maharshi is to make all ordinary people like us to chant easily and do Shiva Rudra Abhishekam on a daily basis or every Monday Pradosha kaalam (evening) or on every Masa Shivaratri's and Karthika masa as well. So with these Mantras we can easily and simply perform at our own comfortable Puja Room with just pure water.
It is only 15 +2=17 Shlokas including Dhyana Shlokas, which we can finish chanting in 10 mins. This is as Powerful as Sri Rudram.
In short and also in bestowing equal amount of it's results to the Doer. Those who knows Sri Rudram can easily identify these Mantras that they are incorporated from Sri Rudram.
No. of Shlokas: 17
No. of Classes: 10
No. of Weeks: 10
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 2,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 20 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Varahi Nava Ratri Mantras
Classes for Powerful MANTRAS to perform Varaahi Navaratris or Gupta Navaratris
Importance of Varahi Devi, How to perform Aradhana, explanation of every mantram and chanting of every mantram with pronunciation will be taught.
By Performing Varaahi Navaratris, knowing the meaning and in a simple manner will be benefited for those who are with the following problems:
1. Drowned in problems
2. Bhoomi akramanam problems
3. Farming and Agricultural problems
4. Real estate problems
5. Shatru Nashanam
6. Poushika Shakthi
7. Black Magic
8. Diseases
9.Agnaya Chakra And Manipura Activation.
No. of Shlokas: 100
No. of Classes: 5
No. of Weeks: 52
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 1,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 20 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Vishnu Sahasra Naamam
Vishnu Sahasramamam stotram is 26 parts. Total 30 classes which includes 26 teaching classes, tests and Parayana. Chanting the Vishnu Sahasranama calms down your mind and sharpens your focus in life. Reading every name of Lord Vishnu helps you boost your inner energies which further increases your focus. This helps you meditate better. Most importantly Sri Vishnu Sahasranams are arogya Mantras. Hence chanting them daily cures serious diseases like for eg Cancer and other serious illnesses.
No. of Shlokas: 26
No. of Classes: 30
No. of Weeks: 30
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 4000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 20 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Aditya Hrudayam
Why is Aditya Hrudayam so powerful?
Adithyahrudhayam is on the Sun God (The Living God) chanting dailyin the morning is like offering our Gratitude for another Day to this life.
It brings courage to your life and path. Not just this, reciting aditya hridaya stotra uplifts you in days of difficulties and saves you from deep unhappiness. Along with destroying your sins it elevates you from self-doubts. Aditya hridaya stotra also brings prosperity and clarity in life.
No. of Shlokas: 30
No. of Classes: 10
No. of Weeks: 10
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 2,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 20 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Hanuman Chalisa
Hanuman Chalisa is a timeless ode to devotion Lord Hanuman is known for his devotion to Lord Ram and is considered to be the embodiment of faith, surrender, and devotion.
The regular chanting of Hanuman Chalisa purifies both body and mind and is deeply elevating. It spares one from all evils throughout everyday life and helps increase otherworldly knowledge and trust throughout everyday life.
No. of Shlokas: 4
No. of Classes: 10
No. of Weeks: 10
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 2,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 20 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Kanaka Dhaara Stotram
Adi Shankaracharya composed Kanakadhara Stotram. He dedicated the Stotram to Goddess Lakshmi, which is set in 21 hymns. Anyone suffering from poverty or past misdeeds can recite this Stotram, especially during an auspicious day like Akshaya Tritiya, for relief.
In response to his prayer, Goddess Lakshmi started out showering golden amlas from the sky. The Kanakdhara Stotram, therefore, turns into legendary and is viewed very effective in getting rid of debt and granting riches and abundance to the worshipper
No. of Shlokas: 22
No. of Classes: 15
No. of Weeks: 15
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 3,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 20 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Bhaja Govindam
"Bhaja Govindam", also known as "Moha Mudgara", is a popular Hindu devotional poem in Sanskrit composed by Adi Shankara. This work of Adi Shankara underscores the view that bhakti is also important along with jñāna, as emphasised by the bhakti movement.
In this prayer, Adi Shankaracharya emphasizes the importance of devotion for God as a means to spiritual development and to liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The prayer leaves one in no doubt that the renunciation of our egotistical differences and surrender to God makes for salvation. The 11 shlokas are taught in Ragamalika.
No. of Shlokas: 11
No. of Classes: 11
No. of Weeks: 11
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: English
Teacher: Smt Sudha Lakshmi
Fees (INR): 3,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 20 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Gunatraya Vibhaga Yogaha
We have all come across the significance of Sattvic Food, Sattvic Behavior and Sattvic Sadhana or practices. In fact, Sadhana is by itself a sattvik activity and does not exist with a negative connotation. So Sattvik Sadhana encompasses right food, right habits, right thoughts, right behavior, right actions and other activities in human welfare. It is like the 8-foldpath of the Buddhist philosophy.
What is our understanding of the term ‘Sattvic’? How has Shri Bhagavan Uwacha explained its significance? We can learn the in-depth significance of the term ‘SATTVIK’ by reading the 14th chapter of Bhagavad Gita in the Chapter on Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga. This chapter has 27 slokas. It can be learned within a 10 weeks programme in SATTVIK LIVING conducted online, in 1 hour class sessions every Saturday and Sunday from 8 to 9 am.
All those interested may please join through the weblink ( URL ) given below :
No. of Shlokas: 27
No. of Classes: 9
No. of Weeks: 5
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: Telugu
Teacher: Ms. Shanmukhi Pratibha
Fees (INR): 2,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 10 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN
Rudram or Rudra Namaka Stothra
RUDRAM OR RUDRA NAMAKA STOTHRA is derived from the Vedas as well as the Puranas. It is like SUTHA SAMHITHA and the MAHABHARATA’s 72 Anuvakas with highly philosophical thoughts. That is why it is also called RUDROPANISHAD. Let us chant it and try to grasp the vedantic knowledge that it contains. Classes will be conducted every Tuesday and Thursday from 8 to 9 am. This arrangement is a 17 week's program and will require prior registration before formal enrolments / course commencement.
No. of Shlokas: 170
No. of Classes: 34
No. of Classes per week: 2
No. of Weeks: 17
Duration (Hours): 1
Medium of Instruction: Telugu
Teacher: Ms. Shanmukhi Pratibha
Fees (INR): 6,000
Starting Date: To be decided after a batch of 10 people are interested I am Interested to JOIN